Trump states he wants to be dictator only on day 1! [1]


Trump has made clear, and the Republicans, by consent, that they want to undermine our republican institutions by:

  • Attacking our Judicial system and Courts.
  • Praising dictators in other countries who eliminate freedoms.
  • Demeaning, attacking, and insulting judges and juries.
  • Undermining our country’s security by stealing military and nuclear secrets.
  • Attempting to overturn a legal election.
  • Suggesting the execution of a previous Pentagon Joint Chiefs Chairman.
  • Changing state and local voting regulations to make it harder to vote.
  • Demand total immunity from all illegal acts he takes as President.
  • Etc.

Trump has stated, if elected, his presidency will be one of retribution. [2] [3]

Can he reach his goals on only day 1?   BEWARE OF WHAT HE SPEAKS!

[1] Trump: I’ll be a ‘dictator’ only on ‘day one’ (

[2] Trump zeroes in on a key target of his ‘retribution’ agenda (

[3] Karl, Jonathan; “Tired Of Winning”; Dutton, Penguin Random House, L.L.C. 2023.

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