I have been a life long conservative Republican and Libertarian.

The Republican Party has chosen to promote itself and govern merely from the position of power politics. The ongoing competition between conservative and progressive agendas is acceptable and necessary.

However the GOP has chosen to continue aligning itself with Mr. Trump at the expense of all reasonable social, ethical and moral positions. That is unacceptable, unnecessary and unproductive. In fact counter productive.

I vote by mail and have for many years.

Mr. Trump states my mail in vote is not legal.

Mr. Trump maintains his mail in vote is legal.

Mr. Trump continues to blame his loss on widespread voting fraud, primarily from mail in voting done before election day. Mr. Trump lets start with you. Your vote is legal and you are the real Fraud! There is only one person trying to “steal the election”, and that is YOU.

I never thought that in the 21st century, we would have a President who did all he could in his power to undermine the VOTE!

As Ben Franklin stated “You have a Republic if you can keep it.”

There is nothing more important in any free society/democracy/republic than the vote. All freedoms emanate from the VOTE!

Do you want to keep your freedoms; Your ability to publicly agree and disagree with your government? Do you want to keep this Republic?

Republican, Democrat, whatever your political affiliation, we can not allow this kind of President again.

  • Government is often the only arbitrator between functioning society and anarchy. That being stated, government is often the lowest common denominator of positive and socially beneficial actions.
  • COVID-19 pandemic as the latest and currently the most obvious example, worldwide, regardless of specific structure of government.
  • All governments have chosen the path of less preparedness for a pandemic, regardless of previous warnings.
  • Additionally, virtually all governments have chosen to over react and shut down entire economies, causing extreme economic and social upheaval.
  • These series of no action followed by over reaction from governments has once again resulted in the most vulnerable, the poor and elderly, those most needing government support and protection, being the most seriously impacted.
  • I am a capitalist by education, training and desire. I believe that free commerce and limited government produces better overall outcomes for humanity. But, it is not perfect, and human desires for power and greed often overwhelm reason and decency in the short term. After all, we as people are not perfect. Therefore, it is inappropriate to expect corporations to be perfect.
  • We all matter. Particularly minorities, who consistently bear the burden and pain of injustice and discrimination.
  • While short term profits can be the result of immediate gratification of power and greed, long term profit and benefit for all comes from treating all with respect. The larger the population interested in, purchasing, and benefiting from your products and services, the more profitable the enterprise. All win, all get what they desire.
  • True profit emanates from doing what is right. Businesses now advertising that “black lives matter” means little other than short term self gratification of  “doing good”.
  • Genuine moral and ethical fiber comes from behavior and actions when no one is looking. And by the way, so does profit!

For media and citizens of the USA who are concerned about the dis-information emanating from China and/or Russia, your time and attention could be better spent addressing a government source we can control.

You and all of us could be better served by paying attention to and holding accountable the dis-information coming from the White House!

“…Americans all too often have had to learn, the hard way, that maintaining respect for the nation’s highest office and its occupant is among any president’s pressing duties.”¹

It is important that we all keep this in mind. This perspective rises above politics and party. This duty applies to all incumbents.

It is paramount that the current occupant  begin understanding this and behaving accordingly.

It is equally required that we hold the occupant accountable.


  1. “Dwight D. Eisenhower The American Presidents Series”, by Tom Wicker, Pg. 76;  ISBN 0-8050-6907-0

The only unity in our country and politics currently is fight!

  • I will fight for you
  • I will fight for this
  • I have always fought for this
  • We need to fight for this
  • I am a fighter
  • I/we must fight against this/them

If all we can do and think about is fighting, it is no wonder we do not accomplish much. After all, if all we want to do is fight and defeat the foe, we are never open to actually accomplishing anything.

I believe this mindset is creating a sub-conscientious anger in us as we are always looking for, expecting and wanting to fight.

We need to take a step back, take a breath, put things in perspective and work towards success. Instead of fighting, lets work towards the objective and goal. Lets work together.

Given the current political and social atmosphere we have created, I can not help but ask, if we as a country and society have any virtue left. We only seem to care about winning. Whatever the cost! I mean personal cost, lack of truth, lying, corruption, deceit. Hopefully, as Seward stated during the civil war:

“… that there was always just enough virtue in this Republic to save it; sometimes none to spare, but still enough to meet the emergency…” ¹


¹ Porter, General Horace. “Lincoln and Grant.” Century Illustrated Magazine 30, No. 6. (October 1885)