There is no equality in the universe. There is only differences in matter and energy. A political policy and promise of equality, economic or otherwise, belies the fundamental basis of all living beings, and for that matter, all things. 

Furthermore, any political philosophy promoting our differences for political gain undermines the belief in and foundation of individual freedom. 

There is a difference between equal access and equality. We are not equal. We are all individual with different abilities, goals, and desires. And that is what makes us all interesting, productive and frankly fun to be with. 

Therefore we desire freedom to choose and freedom from discrimination based on anything other than our abilities, goals, desires and willingness to work to achieve them.

Political Correctness Creates Political Corruption!

How are we to have serious, thoughtful conversation on important political and societal issues if we are restricted by believed correctness in not addressing issues?  That results in us becoming fixed in beliefs/facts that may be wrong. “My mind is made up, do not confuse me with the facts!”  None of us knows all the answers!  Be open to other opinions and ideas. 

ED’s mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. ED was created in 1980 by combining offices from several federal agencies. ED’s 4,400 employees and $68 billion budget. Education is primarily a State and local responsibility in the United States. It is States and communities, as well as public and private organizations of all kinds, that establish schools and colleges, develop curricula, and determine requirements for enrollment and graduation. The structure of education finance in America reflects this predominant State and local role.

One final note: while ED’s programs and responsibilities have grown substantially over the years, the Department itself has not. In fact, the Department has the smallest staff of the 15 Cabinet agencies, even though its discretionary budget alone is the third largest, behind only the Department of Defense and the Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, the Department provides over $150 billion in new and consolidated loans annually.


Close the department. It has outlasted its usefulness. According to the ED data there are 13,600 public school districts in the US. $68,000,000,000/13,600= $5,000,000 to each district to spend as they see fit. [By the way the 4,400 ED employees could go to work in actual districts providing education. That would provide 3 FTEs per district at a cost of approximately $350,000 of the $5 million they receive.


F.C.C. Approves Net Neutrality Rules, Classifying Broadband Internet Service as a Utility


The FCC Just Killed Net Neutrality. Now What?


This is another good example of non-elected technocrats and political appointees creating rules that impact all of us.

“In fact, as planning becomes more and more extensive, it becomes regularly necessary to qualify legal provisions increasingly by reference to what is ‘fair’ or ‘reasonable’; this means that it becomes necessary to leave the decision of the concrete case more and more to the discretion of the judge or authority in question.”

– Hayek, F.A., The Road To Serfdom