“It’s always politics, isn’t it,
unless it is our own point of view?
Then it is the truth.” ¹
- “The Ambassador’s Daughter”; by Pam Jenoff, pg.136. ISBN-13: 978-0-7783-0913-0
“It’s always politics, isn’t it,
unless it is our own point of view?
Then it is the truth.” ¹
The only unity in our country and politics currently is fight!
If all we can do and think about is fighting, it is no wonder we do not accomplish much. After all, if all we want to do is fight and defeat the foe, we are never open to actually accomplishing anything.
I believe this mindset is creating a sub-conscientious anger in us as we are always looking for, expecting and wanting to fight.
We need to take a step back, take a breath, put things in perspective and work towards success. Instead of fighting, lets work towards the objective and goal. Lets work together.
Given the current political and social atmosphere we have created, I can not help but ask, if we as a country and society have any virtue left. We only seem to care about winning. Whatever the cost! I mean personal cost, lack of truth, lying, corruption, deceit. Hopefully, as Seward stated during the civil war:
“… that there was always just enough virtue in this Republic to save it; sometimes none to spare, but still enough to meet the emergency…” ¹
¹ Porter, General Horace. “Lincoln and Grant.” Century Illustrated Magazine 30, No. 6. (October 1885)
Government Regulations are really Government Control
Regulation Codifies Winners and Losers; Resulting in Disagreement and Legal Challenges
Court Systems Expand to meet the increased demand for legal challenges
Government Controls Personal Decision Making and Morality
Capitalism and free market economies are not perfect.
But historically, free markets have provided more individual, social, and economic advancement and individual freedom than collective, progressive and socialistic approaches “guaranteeing” economic equality.
There is no equality in the universe. There is only differences in matter and energy. A political policy and promise of equality, economic or otherwise, belies the fundamental basis of all living beings, and for that matter, all things.
Furthermore, any political philosophy promoting our differences for political gain undermines the belief in and foundation of individual freedom.
There is a difference between equal access and equality. We are not equal. We are all individual with different abilities, goals, and desires. And that is what makes us all interesting, productive and frankly fun to be with.
Therefore we desire freedom to choose and freedom from discrimination based on anything other than our abilities, goals, desires and willingness to work to achieve them.
All forms of government provide for the basis of corruption. The difference lies in how the corruption manifests itself. Government, by definition, provides a foundation of power. And as Lord Acton stated, ” Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
Political Correctness Creates Political Corruption!
How are we to have serious, thoughtful conversation on important political and societal issues if we are restricted by believed correctness in not addressing issues? That results in us becoming fixed in beliefs/facts that may be wrong. “My mind is made up, do not confuse me with the facts!” None of us knows all the answers! Be open to other opinions and ideas.
The ever expanding regulatory environment is planting the seeds for class warfare by restricting free development of opportunities in business and commerce and new jobs and expanded employment.
“It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.”
– David Hume