Government Waste vs. Investment

Though I am a Libertarian, I believe we are at a flexing point in our country where we need to invest in basic foundations, that solidify the freedoms we believe in. A sample of these investments are:

  • Physical infrastructure; roads, bridges, dams, water, climate change, housing,
  • Reduction in regulations that overburden all aspects of our society,
  • “Green Energy” technology,
  • Job training and education for the new economic realities.

Obviously, these all require spending from funds not available, except through additional debt. So additional sources of funding are required. A sample of these are:

  • Reducing unnecessary spending in government programs and departments lacking the urgent priorities facing us,
  • Eliminating tax subsidies no longer necessary and counter-productive such as tobacco, oil, coal, agriculture, etc.,
  • Closing multiple military bases overseas, and returning troops home,
  • Reducing NASA budgets for space exploration, living on Mars is not the answer,
  • Reducing international interference and involvement in other countries.

It is not governments job to solve all problems and fund all projects. By trying to do too much, we lesson the benefits to all.

It is not our country’s job to be the policeman of the world. We continuously spend vast sums in blood and treasure in short-sited, inappropriate, and incorrect activities.

We require a small and more focused government at all levels.

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