• I am a capitalist by education, training and desire. I believe that free commerce and limited government produces better overall outcomes for humanity. But, it is not perfect, and human desires for power and greed often overwhelm reason and decency in the short term. After all, we as people are not perfect. Therefore, it is inappropriate to expect corporations to be perfect.
  • We all matter. Particularly minorities, who consistently bear the burden and pain of injustice and discrimination.
  • While short term profits can be the result of immediate gratification of power and greed, long term profit and benefit for all comes from treating all with respect. The larger the population interested in, purchasing, and benefiting from your products and services, the more profitable the enterprise. All win, all get what they desire.
  • True profit emanates from doing what is right. Businesses now advertising that “black lives matter” means little other than short term self gratification of  “doing good”.
  • Genuine moral and ethical fiber comes from behavior and actions when no one is looking. And by the way, so does profit!

There is no equality in the universe. There is only differences in matter and energy. A political policy and promise of equality, economic or otherwise, belies the fundamental basis of all living beings, and for that matter, all things. 

Furthermore, any political philosophy promoting our differences for political gain undermines the belief in and foundation of individual freedom. 

There is a difference between equal access and equality. We are not equal. We are all individual with different abilities, goals, and desires. And that is what makes us all interesting, productive and frankly fun to be with. 

Therefore we desire freedom to choose and freedom from discrimination based on anything other than our abilities, goals, desires and willingness to work to achieve them.